How to Get a Cheap Divorce in California

If you're looking to get a divorce in California, you may be wondering how much it will cost. The truth is, there is no one-size-fits-all answer. The cost of a divorce in California depends on the amount of legal representation you need, whether you have children, the complexity of your assets, and the number of issues you need to resolve. The average time to complete a divorce in California is 15 months, from the day the divorce is filed to the day the divorce is granted.

An uncontested divorce means that you and your partner can reach an agreement on important divorce issues and, as a result, reduce the price of divorce in California to a minimum. The cost of a California divorce attorney is often a key factor in determining the final sum of your marriage termination costs. Limited-scope representation allows you to decide what part of the divorce you want your attorney to handle. For example, a divorce involving contested issues, such as the division of property, child custody and support, and spousal support that requires litigation, will be much more expensive than a divorce without any contested issues being resolved outside of court.

Online companies will charge for the preparation of divorce documents, and some companies may have lawyers review them for you. Depending on the type of divorce and whether minor children are involved, a cheap divorce may be possible. Your costs will include filing fees, the delivery of documents, and the cost of divorce documents if you obtain them online. California allows professional legal documentation assistants or a divorce legal assistant to help you with the divorce petition, the divorce process and divorce forms.

Although a home divorce option may be the cheapest option for getting a divorce in California, it's also the most difficult for someone who has no education in the divorce aspect. In most situations, it is preferable to have an attorney on your side, especially if there are any contested issues. If you would like to learn more about our peaceful divorce solution, please contact me for a consultation. By filing a no-fault, no-challenge divorce with an agreement that has been reviewed by an attorney, you can get a quick divorce.

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